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The Stompnorth Midgie Booster Overdrive is built around a MOSFET transistor, known for their amp-like feel and here offering 21dB of boost.
With selectable silicon or germanium diode clipping, this is a serious workhorse pedal getting you from boosted cleans to vintage crunch.
The Midgie Booster Overdrive is handwired point-to-point and features high quality components, including Alpha pots and the large Jupiter capacitor which takes pride of place.
This is a superb, super-stackable pedal which works really well in tandem with other pedals. Oh, and the power indicator glows to showcase several of the finest Inner Hebrides midges, personally collected by Stompnorth founder, Duncan!
Engage the clipping section to add distortion to the boosted signal.
Silicon The Silicon mode gives a more aggressive bite with good response
Germanium The Germanium mode gives a "saggier" feel with plenty of vintage mojo.
Combined with the MOSFET stage, the clipping section gives this drive a multi-dimensional quality that needs to be heard to be believed.
As above, the Clipping toggle allows you to switch between straight boost or clipping with silicon or germanium diodes.
The Gain and OD controls are interactive: set the upper gain limit with the Gain control and use OD like a channel volume on an amp to get everything cooking. The main output volume is adjustable with the Vol control.